Poznan is one of the cities with the largest number of monuments in Poland. The Local Monuments Conservation Register has around 450 items listed on it. The oldest part of Poznan is Ostrow Tumski - most probably the cradle of the Polish nation. The Bazylika archikatedralna p.w. swietych apostolow Piotra i Pawla (The Basilica of St Peter and Paul), the oldest monument in the city. In the underground crypts, you can see the remains of the former foundations, the baptismal basin and the sarcophagi of the first Polish monarchs. The renaissance Akademia Lubranskiego (Lubranski Academy), which currently houses the Muzeum Archidiecezjalne (Archdiocesan Museum) should be visited. The Ratusz (Town Hall) is in the centre of the Old Town Square. Everyday at noon, a small pair of doors opens and two metal goats appear and butt their horns. A live hejnal is played on Sundays and holidays. The Palac Gorkow (Gorkow Palace) is located in the southeastern part of the square. It was built in the middle of the 16th century for one of the most prominent families in Wielkopolska. Palac Dzialynskich (The Dzialynski Palace) is a venue for prestigious concerts and meetings. Poznan's Old Town is not just limited to the Market Square. It is also the Zamek Krolewski (Royal Castle), which currently houses the museum of decorative arts, presenting an enjoyable collection of everyday objects from medieval times to the present. The most magnificent monument in Poznan is the kosciol farny sw. Stanislawa i sw. Magdaleny (The Church of St. Stanislav and St. Magdalene). Muzeum Narodowe (The National Museum) has a unique collection of European and Polish paintings. Another pearl is located in the city centre - the Biblioteka Raczynskich (Raczynski Library) is one of the oldest public libraries in Poland, whose facade resembles that of the Louvre. The ruins of the Cytadela (Citadel) are north of the city centre. Malta is the name of the nearby lake featuring a boat race course. The International Poznan Fair Convention Centre - one of the oldest of these types of centres in Europe is just next to the train station. It is next to the Palmiarnia (Palm House) - one of the largest in Europe.
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