Poland is a parliamentary republic, which has however certain features of the presidential regimes. The new constitution, which followed the small provisional constitution established in 1990 to restore the civic rights and a parliamentary democracy, was approved by the referendum on 25th May 1997. This text is the fruit of a compromise between the numerous political components of the country, the will to adhere to the international standards and the maintenance of a national specificity. With 221 items, it received many criticisms, in particular from the right-wing parties. However, the economic articles of this constitution are very favorable to business.
Elected for five years in general elections, the President
holds the executive power. He appoints the Prime Minister, with
the approbation of the Diet, which is the Parliament. He has
a right of veto over the laws voted by the Parliament, but it
can be rejected by the Parliament in case of a majority of the
two-third parties. The President is the head of the State and
the commander of the armed forces.
The National Assembly is made up of the Diet (Sejm) - 460 deputies
elected in a proportional vote for four years and of a Senate,
composed of 100 members elected also for four years. The legislative
power belongs primarily to the Diet. The Senate can only revise
and propose amendments to the laws voted by the Diet. The Senate
has a right of veto on the decisions of the Diet, but this one
can be raised only in decision made by the majority of two thirds.
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Polish political and legal environment
To go further
amnesty.org - Amnesty International - data for Poland
freedomhouse.org... - Freedom House, Poland
en.rsf.org... - Reporters without borders, Poland
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