1918 | After 123 years of a political inexistence, the Republic of Poland reappears. |
1921-1939 | The period between the two world wars is marked by the control of the State and the national development. |
17th March 1921 | A democratic constitution is voted and gives birth to the second Republic. |
1926 | Pilsudski, later a national hero, becomes after a coup d'Etat head of the Polish state and starts the modernization and the industrialization of its country. |
Years 1930 | Poland builds a modern communication network (roads, rilway...), a powerful industry composed of large chemical and mechanical companies, new cities such as Gdynia and its modern port, banking structure and a strengthened army. |
1939 | Beginning of the Second World war: Poland is invaded by Germany the 1st of September ; the Russians attack from the East the 17th of September. |
1939-1945 | The holocauste lead to the extermination of the Jewish population in Poland. Almost one quarter of the Polish population perishes in camps, ghettos or prisons. |
1945 | The Potsdam Conference establishes the current borders of Poland, which sees its territory moved towards the west. |
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